Growing IDisposable Guided By Tests

Test 5: Provide a protected virtual Dispose(bool disposing) method

Use reflection to confirm that there is a Dispose method which takes a boolean parameter, that method is protected and virtual. I would have liked to have used methodInfo.Should().NotBeNull() for the first assertion, but a bug in FluentAssertions prevents NotBeNull() from working correctly if the subject of Should() is a MethodInfo:

public void ProvidesAVirtualProtectedDisposeMethodWithABooleanParameter()
    var methodInfo = typeof (ResourceOwner)
                         | BindingFlags.NonPublic 
                         | BindingFlags.Public,
                     new Type[] {typeof (bool)},
    Assert.NotNull(methodInfo); //There is a Dispose(bool) method
    methodInfo.IsFamily.Should().BeTrue("the Dispose(bool) method is protected");
    methodInfo.IsVirtual.Should().BeTrue("the Dispose(bool) method is virtual");

The test fails. To make it pass we provide a method with the expected signature:

public class ResourceOwner : IDisposable
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing){}

The test passes.


Test 6: The Dispose() method must call Dispose(true)
public void CallsDisposeWithTrueFromDispose()
    var spy = new ResourceSpy();

To make it compile:

public class ResourceSpy : ResourceOwner
    private bool _disposeWasCalledWithTrue;
    private bool _disposeWasCalledWithFalse;
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        _disposeWasCalledWithTrue = disposing;
        _disposeWasCalledWithFalse = !disposing;
    public bool DisposeWasCalled(bool disposing)
        return expected ? _disposeWasCalledWithTrue : _disposeWasCalledWithFalse;

The test fails. To make it pass:

public class ResourceOwner : IDisposable
    public void Dispose()

The test passes.


Test 7: The finalizer must call Dispose(false)
public void CallsDisposeWithFalseFromFinalizer()
    var spy = new ResourceSpy();

The test fails. To make it pass:

public class ResourceSpy : ResourceOwner
    public void MimicFinalizer()

and synchronize:

public class ResourceOwner : IDisposable

The test passes.

2 thoughts on “Growing IDisposable Guided By Tests

  1. Regarding test 3, you could check your call to GC.SuppressFinalize(this) by introducing a non-public instance method SuppressFinalizeOnThis() which delegates to GC. This then acts like a collaborator that, in some languages, you might pull out into a mixin/trait.

    I don’t think I’d suggest it until you had reason to believe that you weren’t calling GC.SuppressFinalize() correctly.

    1. Hi J.B. Thanks for the reply.

      I thought about doing something like that but it just seems to shift the problem (if I am understanding you correctly). While this would allow me to test that SuppressFinalizeOnThis() was called, the thing I really need to test is that GC.SuppressFinalize(this) was called. I would still need to confirm that this call was being made inside SuppressFinalizeOnThis(). I don’t know how to do that except by visual inspection, which gets me back to the original problem.

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